The Science of Inside the Butterfly Net

“Have no doubt, genetic technology will — someday, somewhere — be used to change the genome of our own species in ways that are heritable, forever improving the genetic composition of human kind.”

- Jennifer A. Doudna,

2020 Nobel Prize Winner, Pioneers of revolutionary CRISPR gene editing

Jennifer Doudna, the 2020 Nobel Prize Winning scientist,the CRISPR-Cas9 has created a precise way to manipulate and edit DNA and it’s partner RNA, completely changing the potential of human genetic engineering. The applications of this technology are limitless but not without controversy.

Inside the Butterfly Net educates the audience of some of this exciting medial science and the ethical dilemmas surrounding it. The CRISPR Cas 9 and synthetic RNA technologies are being actively investigated within the medical fields to halt the progression and/or completely eradicating the likes of Cancer, HIV/AIDS, Alzheimer’s, spinal cord injuries and a plethora of other genetic based diseases. The current COVID vaccines utilize manufactured RNA replacement procedures and are propelling the planet’s entire population into a world where genetic editing is now acceptable and used to better the human experience. Remarkably, these genetic manipulations are permanent and passed down to future generations. Imagine a world where any disease can be specifically targeted, removed, and replaced with the genetic code of our own choosing. That time is upon us now!

Inside the Butterfly Net explains breaks down complicated science through colorful and intricate graphic design.